IT’S BEEN CONFIRMED that Ghostbusters 3 is going to have an all-female lead cast.
A cast of “hilarious women” according to director Paul Feig will take the reins in the film, which won’t be a sequel, but rather a origins film. Feig, who’s best known for directing Bridesmaids, hasn’t ruled out the possibility of some of the original Ghostbusters having an involvement.
He said however that following the death of Harold Ramis the project needed to go in a new direction.
So who will be cast in the lead roles? Bill Murray has already had his say, nominating Melissa McCarthy, Linda Cardellini, Kristen Wiig and Emma Stone as his choices.
We’ve rounded up other nominations from around the internet, to create a master wish list of sorts.
Who ya gonna cast?
The Mindy Project and American Office star Mindy Kaling is a popular choice:
Comedy genius Amy Poehler is on many wish lists, along with her partner in crime Tina Fey:
Bridesmaids star Kristen Wiig is a natural suggestion:
As is her Bridesmaid co-star Melissa McCarthy:
Although not everyone is so sure about that one:
Parks and Recreation star Aubrey Plaza is another name being mentioned:
And then of course there are the dream ensembles:
Agree with any of these suggestions? Or have any of your own? You know what to do…