Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

14 ghostly signs you've probably missed around Cork

History around every corner.

THE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT and hashtag #CorkGhostSigns uncovers a different side to the city of Cork that might have passed people by before.

It collects loads of photos of signage from closed businesses around Cork, and it’s just wonderful:

1. Like the old Redz nightclub sign

redz Source: bjkc1986 Instagram

2. And this sign for Young Ireland Boys Wear

young Source: Adam Reynolds Instagram

3. Here’s the old sign for the Mardyke Tavern on Sheares Street

mardyke Source: Cork Ghost Signs Instagram

4. People have been sharing their photos under the hashtag of #CorkGhostSigns as well

nancy Source: Cork Ghost Signs

5. Looking down on the McKenzies entrance, Camden Quay

nancy2 Source: Cork Ghost Signs Instagram

6. New buildings meet old-style shop fronts on Patrick’s Street

nancy3 Source: mk_wdrn Instagram

7. These wonderfully capture the essence of old shops, pubs and businesses

8. And there are always new ones being added

9. Hosford grocer and baker

hosford Source: Dublin Ghost Signs

10. And this long since closed pub

hosford2 Source: Dublin Ghost Signs

11. From an old ad for prize medal porter

hosford3 Source: Dublin Ghost Signs

12. To this traditional cobblers’ sign

cobblers Source: Cork Ghost Signs Instagram

13. You just need to look up… or down

cobblers2 Source: Instagram

14. There’s Cork history around every corner

cobblers3 Source: Cork Ghost Signs Instagram

Check out the excellent Cork Ghost Signs Instagram page here and their Tumblr here.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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