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Girl, 15, tells her parents she's gay by baking a cake

“Good morning parents, I’m gay.”

(Image: ellende-generes/Tumblr)

Coming out to parents might not be the easiest thing to do, so this 15-year-old decided to reveal all by baking them a cake accompanied by a sweet note. Laurel wrote:

Good morning parents,

I’m gay. I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. I thought doing it this way would be a piece of cake. I hope you still love me. I mean, it’s hard not to love someone who baked you a cake.

All my friends know and still love me. Your acceptance would be the icing on the cake.

I hope you, much like this cake, are not in tiers.

I hope we can look back at this and say “boy, this one really takes the cake.”

It gets batter.

Love, Laurel. (Sorry for so many puns.)

(Image: ellende-generes/Tumblr)

Laurel wrote after on her Tumblr account:

My mom saw it and cried of happiness. We hugged and cried together. Then, we all ate the cake and talked. I am very luck to have such supporting parents and to have so much support from you guys. Thanks everyone! Have a gay day!

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