Dublin: 9 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

A woman put a condom on her leg to prove that men can't be 'too big' to wear them

Someone’s got a bit of time on their hands.

ZARA LARSSON, A popular Swedish singer, wasn’t buying the whole ‘I’m too big to wear a condom’ spiel from men, so took to Instagram to strangely show them up.

The 17-year-old TV singing contest winner posted a photo of herself wearing a condom on her leg like it was some kind of lubricated sock, with the caption ‘To all the guys saying “my dick is too big for condoms” TAKE A SEAT’.

To all the guys saying my dick is too big for condoms TAKE A SEAT Source: zaralarsson

Her photo was shared with her 500,000 followers and she has been hailed by some as a feminist hero. She said in a blog post that the response has been surprising.

This sounds so damn corny but I really do not know where all the so-called tributes coming from. I, personally, do not consider myself to be some kind of Holy Mary of feminism. I am fully aware that there are many, many girls who are better than me at this so extremely many ways and who receive little attention.

Well, consider us told.

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