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18 things you'll understand if your close friends are all gals

Here come the girrrrrrrls…

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1. Communicating throughout the day over Whatsapp, Facebook chat, Snapchat, and/or text is essential

2. But the contents of these chats are on a need to know basis, and if you’re not in the group, you don’t need to know

3. Everything is screenshotted and sent to the group. Everything

4. And if details ever got out, no one would speak to any of you again

lizlemon Source: Tenor

5. The decisions made in the ‘Which Sex and the City gal are you?’ chat are final

6. You’ve debated over which of you is most likely to get married first

7. All bodily functions and personal matters are up for discussion. Deep, uninhibited discussion

8. And you’ve spent many nights together in your sloppiest clothes, doing face masks and shovelling junk into your gobs

9. You’ve tried to go out for dinner like civilised people, but it all falls apart after the third glass of wine

10. For this reason, you prefer having predrinks in a house where you can be your true ugly, loud, boisterious selves

11. You have a go-to blocking formation for creeps at the club

12. But you’re also excellent wing women for each other. Whatever’s needed

00-holding-sex-and-the-city Source: HBO

13. Any new significant others are judged by how well they get along with the gang

14. And new friends? Even more so

15. Newcomers always tell you that your group is ‘scary’, and you’re like “NO WAY! NO WE’RE NOT!”

16. Then you hear a hyena cackle emanate from their perch in the corner, seemingly for no reason, and privately agree

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17. But still, there’s nothing like having a gang of girls you can go to with anything

18. And even if nobody else can hack ye, at least you have each other

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