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Little girl loses her lizard 'best friend', appeals to internet for help

Spoiler: the best friend’s name is Egor.

Imogen is VERY upset.
Imogen is VERY upset.
Image: YouTube

FOR MORE THAN a year, Imogen visited her best friend every single week in her home town of Campbell, California.

That friend was a monitor lizard named Egor, who lived in the pet shop.

Then one day, Imogen and her mother arrived at Pets & More to discover that Egor was gone. He had been bought by an unknown customer, whose only identifying feature was that they were a fan of the San Francisco 49ers.

So Imogen did what any child would do. With help from her mum, she recorded an emotional appeal for a picture of Egor to remember him by.

YouTube/jessicamgatewood via Reddit

The video is now flying high on Reddit. The question is: CAN REDDITORS FIND EGOR’S NEW OWNER? One wrote:

Alright Reddit, let’s get this rolling. This is too sad to not have a happy ending.

Others, however, are complaining that Imogen’s mother should have just bought Egor if she liked him that much. To which we can only suggest that a monitor lizard is quite a large pet for a four-year-old:


Flickr/abdul / yunir

In the unlikely event of any DailyEdge.ie readers knowing Egor’s whereabouts, please get in touch.

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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