Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

This girl's letter to a university is basically a master class in handling rejection

“I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal.”

WHEN YOU GET rejected, what do you do?

Hole yourself up and tell yourself that they’re probably right? Mope around the place and watch Netflix under a blanket?

Next time, channel the spirit of 17-year-old Siobhan O’Dell.

The American teenager is in the midst of applying to universities, among them Duke University. Located in North Carolina, Duke University ranked 8th on a list of Best Colleges in the United States. In 2014, it had a measly acceptance rate of 10.4%.

Unfortunately, O’Dell was not among the lucky few to get in and received a rejection letter.

Instead of accepting it, however, she opted to pen her own response to the university in which she politely declined their rejection letter and informed them that she would be attending Duke University.

tumblr_nlw6ld3rrb1ravdjwo1_1280 Source: scarrlettjohansen/Tumblr

O’Dell posted the letter to her Tumblr where it instantly went viral, attracting over 98,000 notes and counting.

So, is she hoping that her newfound fame will cause Duke to reconsider? She seems fine about it, tbh.


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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