SOMETIMES THE WORLD presents such ridiculous situations that it feels like you’re in a video game and it’s just glitched.
1. Like this human copy and paste
2. This wondrous fashion combination
3. These number plates giving you a headache
4. Are they the same person?
5. When trees are cut so it looks like they haven’t loaded
6. When you’re presented with this view
7. Staring longingly at their twin
8. The flip flops give it away here – it’s not a clone
9. Wait… how?
10. The woman on the right has way more bags, but still – same person
11. What are the actual chances of such symmetry?
12. When the graphic doesn’t load properly
13. It could be a mirror image
14. It’s like a slightly older version of the same man
15. The same person with different outfits
16. Seriously, the world presents these situations a little too often
17. Stop now, universe, you’ve freaked us out enough