Dublin: 2 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Gogglebox Ireland brought the country to tears last night with a devastating Stand up to Cancer story

It was all just a bit much.

GOGGLEBOX IRELAND HAD the country in tears last night with a story from the Stand Up To Cancer series of short films.

Mark’s Story detailed a man’s heartbreaking loss of his wife to breast cancer and then his young young son to a brain tumour.

Source: standuptocancerUK/YouTube

As is the way with Gogglebox, the show was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was Mark and his tale who really pulled at the heartstrings.

Meannwhile, it was the Cavan twins who were the stars of the show again last night, showing their loyalty to the county…

cavant Source: TV3

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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