ONE OF THE early news segments on last night’s Gogglebox Ireland was prime material for some of the cast’s weekly one-liners:
“Judges in the US have refused to reinstate Donald Trump’s travel ban”
The general reception on the couches to the new President wasn’t great – and that was only the start of it:
“What a gobshite that lad is”
Straight talking political analysis from the lads:
“I’d say this is after sickening him”
The decision last week followed a ruling by Washington State federal judge James Robart to suspend the ban for being unconstitutional – and the President’s response on Twitter brought an interesting comparison:
“Could you imagine Michael D Higgins tweeting at someone in all capitals and having beef with them on Twitter?”
“About time. He thought he could do whatever he liked and suddenly realised it’s not that easy.”
Tracie and Anita had the line of the night though – when the subject of Kellyanne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s fashion line was brought up next:
“Ivanka? Your daddy’s a vanka”
Cue applause from people watching at home
While the Cavan twins were getting their Trumps mixed up:
“Who’s Ivanka? Is that the mother, the daughter, the sister?”
The Naughton family summed up how plenty of people look at the morning news in 2017:
“During the news every morning I’m just there thinking ‘what did he do last night? What’s the latest?’”
The lesson from last night? A political Gogglebox Ireland where they could all talk shite about current affairs for a full hour would be a very welcome addition to the schedules.