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13 things that are giving you the worst Sunday night fear EVER


REMEMBER THAT “GLENROE’S on and I don’t have my homework done” feeling?

Multiply it by one million and that’s the way a huge portion of the country is feeling right now.

Those who have been lucky enough to be off work all over Christmas will be returning to the grind en masse tomorrow, and those who’ve already been back at work haven’t been fully committed.

Here are the many things that are giving you the ultimate fear…

1. The clock

Five minutes ago it was 2.37pm. Now it’s 8.30pm and you have no idea how that happened.

Best to put a tea towel over the clock. No good can come of looking at it.



2. Your own breath

You’re sighing deeply every 5-6 minutes. You can’t help it. You have a classic case of The Fear.

tumblr_mdnzqqEsCq1rskga0o1_r1_400 Source: Tumblr

3. Going to bed

The sooner you go to bed, the sooner it will be Monday morning.


4. Not going to bed

If you go to bed NOW you can get 7 hours sleep.

If you go NOW you can get 6 hours sleep.

Repeat ad infinitum.

18-Trying-Fall-Asleep-Night Source: Barnorama

5. Everyone else

You’re not imaging it. Everyone is out to get you.

aYmhq9D Source: Imgur

6. Your hygiene

It’s probably been a couple of days since you washed, because after tomorrow you have to go back to washing yourself every day. It’s over, man.

Sunday night of a four day weekend... - Imgur Source: Imgur

7. Your legs

They have a mind of their own. They want to jig around. They want to be still. They want to be wearing socks. They don’t want to be wearing socks.


MRW I'm trying to sleep but I can't because it's too hot and I'm uncomfortable - Imgur Source: Imgur

8. The memory of this voice

Source: John Larkin

9. And this music

Glenroe Opening Titles, 1983-1993 Source: Colm O'Rourke

10. Social media

facebook Source: Shutterstock.com


11. Your clothes


tumblr_lqph9a3nnr1qknngq Source: Tumblr

12. Your phone

There’s been a voicemail on it for two days, and you haven’t checked it. It taunts you. It knows you’re thinking about it.

QO1enoE Source: Imgur

13. The Christmas decorations

They’re still up, but you can’t bring yourself to turn the lights on.

So now there’s just a dead tree in the corner of your sitting room. A dead tree that you’re going to have to remove soon. Maybe tomorrow after wor… OH GOD!

tumblr_inline_mnu0jtsolU1qz4rgp Source: BlogSpot

Sleep well dear friends.

A baby and a 125lb Pit Bull - Imgur Source: Imgur

7 sentences that strike the fear of God into you>

15 of the most terrifying rollercoasters on the planet>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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