Dublin: 4 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

Google! Please hire me!

Matthew Epstein has created an entire website as a job application at Google…

A WANNABE GOOGLE employee has built an entire website as his application to work for the company.

Matthew Epstein’s moustache-themed site googlepleasehireme.me features a swanky video application, testimonials from former employers and a Google+ style navigation bar.

He includes links to allow Google to contact him and a link to his CV, which describes him as a ‘product marketer and digital strategist’.

Epstein only launched his campaign yesterday, and in a blog post details how he spent $250 dollars shipping a lifesize cardboard cut out of himself to Google’s HR department in California in a bid to draw attention to his website. Five minutes after he handed over the cash, he received an email from… GOOGLE!

They had seen his website and said they would get the ball rolling on setting up an interview.

Image: Matthew Epstein’s Google journey blog

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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