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6 essential preparations for next week's Great British Bake Off

You’re welcome.

THE GREAT BRITISH Bake Off returned to our screens last night.

Were you ready? Or were you caught unawares?

Allow us to prepare you for next week…

1. Get the supplies in

Many, many amateurs were caught off guard last night and hadn’t ensured that they had a steady stream of cakes and biscuits to hand to keep them going during the hour long show.

Be forewarned: If you’re not well-prepared with goodies for GBBO you will end up either rummaging in the presses for a stale fig roll or eating your own fist.

2. Prepare yourself for Paul Hollywood’s gaze

People were quite literally weak at the knees following the return of the steely-eyed divil to our screens last night.


tumblr_mrvedb5htt1qf9xz0o1_250 Source: Tumblr

3. Follow your favourites

Ten of the twelve contestants are on Twitter, including:

Norman: @NormCalder. Here’s a bonus picture of his dog Lucy:


Martha: @MarthaCollison. She’s EXCITED!

Nancy: @NancyBBakes. She describes herself as a ‘chicken rescuer’. And she makes jam!

Richard: @RichardPBurr. He and Norm are pals!

Jordan: @LaPetitLion. Describes himself as a “geek, cosplayer, baker”. He also recently made this stunning cake:

cake Source: @LaPetitLion

4. Prepare yourself for innuendo

It wouldn’t be the Bake Off without someone creaming their buns or referring to their stiff peaks.

5. Do some baking

Martha made lemon and thyme drizzle cakes during last night’s episode, and now you can too!

lemo Source: @BBCFood

6. Set the series link, for the love of God!

You don’t know where you’re going to be next Wednesday. You might be tricked into going to the pub, or you may be at a family event or a friend’s birthday. Any of these annoyances might keep you from the telly.


Read: Great British Bake Off is back. Here’s why we’re all so mad about it>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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