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WELL FOLKS, WE’VE made it.  Cakes have been baked, tuiles have been attempted, quenelles have been mangled and now we’ve seen the final.

It was always going to be Stephen in our minds, but in the end it was actually quite close.

Here’s what went down in the first ever Great Irish Bake Off finale!

So, as you can see, I’m pretty sure Stephen is going to win tonight.

He’s been consistently good throughout the season, has a bit of cop on, and seems to actually be a very good baker.

Unfortunately that has not been the case for all of this year’s contestants.  Maybe next year’s will be better.  Yes, that’s right, TV3 are already taking applications for next year’s show.

If you’d like to apply, just go here and click on the apply button, and next year I could be making sarcastic comments about your creations.

Ah no… I’m not that mean.

Jaysis, Anna sounds delighted this is over.

How many times do you think Maryanne will cry tonight?

I’m going to go for three times.

Will has never won a thing in his life, God love him.  That’s not going to change tonight, either.

(I’m going to be mortified if Stephen doesn’t win, by the way.)

Anna’s already referring to the bible.  Sure it’s no wonder from someone who used to be a nun, wha?

The lads have been asked to make petit fours, which basically means an array of tiny desserts.

Maryanne is appalled.


Paul wants them all to be perfectly consistent in size, the fruit in all the right places.

Biddy loves fudge, HAHAHAHAHA.  I’ll miss her maniacal laughter.

I love how each week Paul and Biddy have sat at this little table with a creation in front of them.  Paul gazing expectantly at Biddy until she praises him, giggling all the while.

Stephen, the clever boy, has organised his fudge to form in one portion of the tray so that he can cut it easily into cubes.

That’s winning behaviour right there, also some of that cop on I mentioned earlier.


Will’s girlfriend Joanne hounded him to enter the competition.

This is a good thing, apparently.

It’s good to hear Will say that he’s a lot calmer now than he was at the start.

Remember all the times we worried he was going to pass out?  Tonight he’s as cool as a cucumber.  So far anyway.

The lads are making tuiles again.  Remember the last time?  Let’s just say it didn’t go well.


‘Happy?’, asks Anna.

‘NO,’ says Will.


‘Because I’m not there yet,’ Will says.


Will seems to be the most confident of the three coming out of the technical challenge.

Maryanne doubled up on the flour in her tuiles, Stephen’s fudge hasn’t turned out (OH NO), so Will seems to have done the best.

Paul and Biddy are judging away, and despite Will’s confidence there were a few harsh remarks for what he produced.

Stephen actually seems to be ok, despite his fudge disaster, and Maryanne is getting all the praise for her consistency and layout.

Sadly for Will, he comes third in the technical challenge, Stephen comes second and Maryanne is in first.

The lads all look flippin’ exhausted, and they have a big day ahead of them with the Show Stopper.


Now, this should be interesting.  At least in the Show Stopper challenge they’ve been able to practice and prepare.

Maryanne’s got her sunglasses, and that’s all that matters.



Maryanne is making a carrot cake with a Georgian Door on it.

Biddy grew up in a Georgian House apparently.  LAH DI DAH!

Will has come a long way, say Biddy and Paul, both in terms of his baking and his blossoming personality.

That’s nice, innit?

Stephen is trying to make County Antrim’s Dunluce Castle out of gingerbread.

This looks like a massive job, and it is a tribute to his late father who was an architect and loved this castle.



There hasn’t been very much actual baking in this programme about baking, has there?

It’ll be interesting to see how Will’s balloon lighthouse turns out.

Even Maryanne, who was there, is finding the whole thing nervey.


This is the last time we’ll see Sophie of the golden hair and her basic baking tips.

Sophie, I haven’t heard a word you’ve said this entire time.

Will’s lighthouse bits are actually looking pretty impressive, as is Stephen’s gingerbread castle.  Maryanne’s is looking a little flat and boring in the fridge to be honest.


There is no doubt that these bakes are much better than what we’ve seen previously.

Maybe things will be closer than I thought!

The Great Irish Bake Off on TV3 The Final

The Great Irish Bake Off on TV3 The Final

The Great Irish Bake Off on TV3 The Final

Maryanne has done well, and her cake is moist and tasty as well as being well constructed.

There’s no doubt though, that Stephen’s is a more difficult and intricate construction.

Fortunately, Biddy and Paul like the taste of it too.

Will’s is the most interesting to look at it has to be said, I think it’s the best thing he’s baked this entire season.

His addition of seagull sounds raises a round of applause too.


The judges are going to consider all the bakes across the competition, and I still believe that Stephen has been the best, most consistent baker.

Will deserves some credit for his progress though, and Maryanne definitely pulled through some disasters too.

And the winner is… STEPHEN!

Hooray!  It had to be Stephen.  He was the best, he is the best, and there is not a bad word you could say about it.

Maryanne is in bits.  Again.


So there you have it, Great Irish Bake Off season 1, over.

What do you think?  Did the right man win?

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