TELEVISION FAMILIES ARE rarely perfect. In fact, the more dysfunctional, the better.
Our own families are perfectly fine, but just sometimes we craved the chaos as, let’s face it, it looked like fun.
Here are eleven fictional families we’d love to join… maybe just temporarily.
1. Malcolm in the Middle
Sure, they’re all hooligans, but wasn’t getting tied to the back of your bedroom door something you can all laugh about now?
Think of all the gas memories of the horror growing up with this lot would provide.
Maybe a day with them would make you appreciate your own family a bit, eh?
2. The Bradys
This is a story. Of a man named Brady. Just imagine the craic you’d have as a Brady.
You’d get to do this on a regular basis. Enough said.
Don’t even get us started on the outfits. Magical.
3. The Brothers Garcia
This one’s a bit of a wild card. An early noughties Nickelodeon creation, the show was created in an effort to produce more Latino characters on the station. Well it worked.
Now we want Hispanic ethnicity. We want chimichangas for dinner. Let’s not forget George’s outro of “Todo para la familia,” that we always thought was ‘dola la familia’.
4. The Byrnes
Biddy, Miley, Dinny had their issues. But who doesn’t.
Sure, you might say “Not in a million years would I ever, ever, ever desire to be a member of this family in any shape or form,” but we know better.
Think of it this way, if you were in Glenroe, you’d never have to worry about doing your homework once the titles came on.
5. The Waltons
Your wardrobe would be rustic and you’d have not one name, but two.
Mary Ellen, John Boy, Jim Bob, they’re all there. OK so you might develop severe sleep deprivation from saying goodnight to everyone but it’s a small price to pay for such a close-knit family.
6. The Bluths – Arrested Development
With an alcoholic mother, a closeted uncle and a son named George Michael, there would never be a dull moment anyway. They’re all crazy, but thoughtful at the same time.
Take a look at banner, Michael!
7. The Bundys – Married with Children
Al, Peggy, Kelly and Bud. They’re dysfunctional, dopey, and annoying–all the ingredients for the perfect family sitcom. Despite seemingly hating his family, cranky Al provides for them with sometimes touching moments.
8. 3rd Rock from the Sun
You'd be an alien! How cool would that be? This 90s TV family may be strange and clueless as they try to make sense of the earth and societal norms, but we're sure you'd fit right in.
9. The Camdens - Seventh Heaven
SO much drama. The Camdens' adventures signified Sunday evening on RTE, the gentle theme song making you feel right at home.
With their Dad being a reverend, you'd swear butter wouldn't melt. We wouldn't be opposed to that clatter of siblings though (for a while, at least) and mother fond of baking fresh cookies on the daily. Still less than Cheaper By the Dozen.
Did we mention that house?
10. The Simpsons
OBVIOUSLY. Who wouldn't like Homer as a Dad?
Or hair like that?
11. The Curleys - The Snapper
The ultimate Irish family just had to make the list.
Ah are ye alright Sharon?