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6 unexpected things that happened this week

Green puppies, stolen walls and shooting at the moon… it’s all the bizarre stories you need to know about.

Image: Aida Vallelado Molina

CRAZY, WE JUST can’t sleep. We’re so excited, we’re in TOO DEEP. Less about Brit Brit and being crazy, some weird and wonderful stuff happened this week.

How fortunate you are that we’ve rounded them all up for you this fine Saturday morning. You lucky, lucky bunch. “Isn’t she luuucky”.

Hit it.

A dog in Spain gave her owners a shock when she gave birth to a litter of pups, two of which were green. There’s no obvious reason why the two have green coats, leaving everyone baffled. Breeder Aida Vallelado Molina initially thought the puppies were dirty, but attempts to clean them failed. A local vet is now investigating the cause of the little alien pups but we’re sure they come in peace. (The Local)

A woman was left in shock when thieves stole her… 60-foot brick wall. The brick bandits pretended to be builders and dismantled the handmade bricks dating back to the 1890s. Poor Leigh O’Shea who is doing up the property couldn’t believe it when she realised what had happened. The bricks were said to be valued at £4,000 and Essex Police are now investigating the incident. Bet they’re brickin’ it they’ll be caught, WHA? (Southend Standard)

A man has been arrested for attempting to shoot the moon. What, even? Cameron Read from Arizona, was confronted by the Prescott Valley Police Department when his girlfriend called them, claiming Read was firing a handgun. Apparently, Read spotted Halley’s Comet and began firing out the window. His target? The moon. Worth a shot, we suppose, but what did the moon ever do to you, man? (ABC15)

Police in Maryland issued a lookout notice for a giant bunny costume. It’d be a bit hard to miss, in fairness. The Prince George’s County Police are on the lookout for the stolen 6-foot tall grey and white bunny suit and they AREN’T KIDDING. As much as we love the idea of an outlaw in a bunny suit, we hope its found ASAP. (NBC Washington)

Faking your death? Make like this guy and use a dog dressed in your clothes. Shockingly, police in China weren’t fooled by the fraudster, who left a dead dog’s body on the road to try and fake his own car-crash death to abandon his family and start a new life with his lover. What a luckywoman, real gem she’s got there. (Global Times)

A man in Perth, Australia, has been charged with drink-driving… a motorised cooler. Motorised cooler? Fine. Motorised cooler fully stock with beer? Errr. Hillary’s police stopped the man booting it down the middle of West Coast Drive and charged him with driving under the influence despite the fact that he was only going about 20km an hour. Well, at least he avoided the horrible fate of having to sip warm beer. (Perth Now)

esky man

Here’s all the previous weird news. JUMP IN>

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