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16 memories anyone who grew up Protestant will recognise

A good scon.

1. When you heard someone else giving out about “Mass” you were just like

baby-gifconfused-gifidkgood-luck-charlie Source: Sharegif

2. Because obviously you called it Service and there were so many hymns

ThanksPraise Source: store.ireland


3. Sunday School was a weekly tradition where you excused yourself to head off to your own little kids room

St Aidan's Church of Ireland Church, Glenavy. Lisburn Source: Bobby McKay.

4. You got seriously jealous when your Catholic friends raked in cash for their first communion

giphy Source: Giphy

5. While you had to wait years for your confirmation and all you got was a prayer book

bcp Source: store.ireland

6. There were tray bake events in the Church just because baking seemed to be a HUGE deal

Anzac Source: Jaro Larnos

7. There was a good chance you heard these pronounced as “scons” regularly enough

Scones Source: James E. Petts

8. There were always a few “gas” sash jokes thrown around for the craic when people heard you were Protestant

Emma-Stone-thumbs-up Source: Crushable

“No, orange is not my favourite colour.”

9. When you were really young you just didn’t know the difference between all the Protestant denominations

U8ZmATQ Source: Usvsth3m

Church of Ireland, Methodist, Presbyterian. Huh?

10. When you heard people going on about the saints you hadn’t a breeze what they were on about

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“Who dat?”

11. There’s a good chance you didn’t have a Gaeilge version of your surname so you just threw on a fada for the craic

joey2 Source: amazon

12. Having your “Sunday best” clothes and trying not to ruin them before you’d even got to Church

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13. Getting to skip out prayers if you went to a Catholic school was only glorious

14. Having to wait until you had done your confirmation to head up for communion – and even then you were too young for the wine

boy-cute-dylan-obrien-happy-Favim.com-3022400 Source: Favim

Fine Church of Ireland quality cracker it is then.

15. The first time you saw a kid with ash on his forehead it was so very confusing

ashwed Source: BlogSpot

Why? What?

16. And finally… that feeling of settling in to Service and knowing you were in for a good 45-minute-long sermon

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Even better when you’d brought along your presents on Christmas morning for entertainment.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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