AS EVERYONE KNOWS at this stage, Dublin is in the midst of a fairly serious renting crisis that looks like it’s only getting worse and worse.
Naturally then, some of the gaffs available are Captial G Grim:
1. Like this place – where for just €1350 a month you get this delightful one bedroom flat all to yourself
2. This charming all-in-one studio in Cabra is €750 a month
3. This gorgeous all-inclusive bedsit is *just* €900 a month in Rathmines
*spits out tea*
4. €700 a month will get you this spacious gaff in Rathgar
5. This snug room actually looks in good condition – and only €385 a month! But it’s only available three nights a week
6. This carpet is definitely worth it
Double ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. This living room in Ranelagh is a bargain for €900
8. And finally… this self-contained Phibsboro room is a snip at €580
Godspeed, everyone.