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10 bizarre festive foods that will put you off your Christmas dinner

Turkey doughnut, anyone?

TURKEY, HAM, STUFFING. Leave it there. There’s really no need.

1. A turkey layer cake

Yes, somebody thought we needed this in our lives.

02-Turkey-Dinner-Layer-Cake Source: Chow

2. Holiday pringles

pringles-holiday-flavors-4_3 Source: Gannett

3. These drinks

PICT0717--- Source: Bypureimagination

4. A Christmas pudding pizza

5. Or just the full works pizza

B2pYddDCIAE5p78 Source: mayfairpizzaco

6. Turkey doughnuts

tesco-e1415803187176 Source: Tesco

7. Christmas cake liqueur

Christmas-Cake-Liq_3097619c Source: Marks and Spencer

8. Chistmas dinner cheese

pilgrims-choice-cheese Source: Pilgrim's choice

9. Mince pie crisps

DSCF6589 Source: foodstufffinds

10. Christmas dinner pot noodle

Too bleak.

unileverPotNoeldle Source: Snackspot

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