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11 things you'll only get if your dad grew up in Carlow

You can’t beat an east coast man …

River Barrow near Carlow Town, Ireland Source: Douglas Pfeiffer Cardoso

1. He knows EVERYONE

It doesn’t matter whether they’re from Hacketstown or Tinryland, he’ll know them.

If someone from Carlow is mentioned on the news, you better be prepared to ask him about it – he’s going to bring it up regardless.

2. He remembers the town before the Fairgreen Shopping Centre was built

“Back in my day we were able to get everything on the one bloody street!”

Cue irrational 30-minute long rant.

3. You’d spend hours hanging around there while your dad visited relations

You knew the layout inside out, spent all your pocket money in Byrne’s and always touched the random green cow statue outside the bathrooms when you passed it.

4. Pints are always had in Tully’s

Always. Without question.

5. Billy Bunter’s is a town delicacy

The fine establishment on Staplestown Road services Carlow town with the finest chips the county has to offer.

Always a treat when your dad brought a bag to granny’s!

billybunters Source: Billy Bunters/Facebook

6. The roof of the church in Askea was always leaking

You’d see buckets scattered around the church perilously catching droplets from the ceiling.

Source: askeaparish.ie

7. He probably worked in the sugar factory at some stage

When the Greencore factory was in full force, the smell of sugar beet would infiltrate everything in the town.

8. If he was a music head, he dragged you around The Music Vault guitar shop

It’s changed names several times since, but it’s still the same when it comes down to it. You’d never forget the place.

You wish you could forget your dad’s poor attempts at playing every instrument though.

9. Every family event was held in the Dolmen Hotel

Every wedding, funeral, Christening, 18th, 21st, Irish dancing competition was was held at this prestigious venue.

10. He played snooker in The Ivy Rooms

ivyrooms Source: Ivy Rooms/Facebook

He fancied himself as a bit of Ronnie O’Sullivan, so he did.

ivyrooms2 Source: Ivy Rooms/Facebook

11. Godfather’s pizza was second to none

The national chain eventually became a Pizza Hut and it just. Isn’t. The same.

Pizza Source: smdevivo

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