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28 true signs of growing up Irish

Those were the days…

Untitled Source: ampersandyslexia

1. “You can play with your presents after mass”

2. Playing sticks, kerbs and tip the can on the Green

3. Hopping bales down the country

Bale-ful Source: Brian Smithson (Old Geordie)

4. Christy Moore Live from the Point on in the car

5. The Child of Prague under the hedge

The Child Of Prague - A Different Kettle Of Fish Altogether Source: infomatique

6. Liver fluke ads on the radio

7. Sheep worrying ads on the telly

8. Knowing your wattle and daub inside out

9. A spoon to the arse for acting the maggot

the oppressive spoon Source: marianaeats

10. Flat 7up when you’re feeling like shite

11. Rose of Tralee = nearly the end of the school holidays

12. Under the Hawthorn Tree

13. 2p flogs

14. 10p crisps

Marshmallow! :9 Source: Vivian Viola

15. The Raccoons and Captain Planet

16. “Ár nAthair atá ar neamh…”

17. Orange ‘Sparklers’

18. The smell of the mála (or was it márla?)

Strips Source: gothick_matt

19. You remember the stag on a pound

20. And the horse on 20p

21. Childhood summers spent in Lahinch, Tramore, Brittas and Bundoran

22. Looking for a scissors to cut the top off your cool pop

blue raspberry Source: ginnerobot

23. Catching tadpoles, and they always died

24. Plastic bags in your wellies when it eventually snowed

25. “Fear sneachta bán, hata ar a ceann…”


26. Diluted orange in a big jug

27. Desperate fear of the cigire

28. “Do you want it in a wafer?”

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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