1. As a child, needing glasses was a fate worse than death
“B-but… NERDS wear glasses!” Yeah well, guess what? You’re a nerd now.
2. You bullsh*tted your way through the “One or two?” test
“So which lens is better: One… or two?”
“Ehhh…” SWEATIN.
3. And you weren’t much good at the air puff test, either
You still aren’t, and that’s because it’s bloody torture.
4. But not to worry, your classmates would organise little sight tests for you too
Thanks guys!
5. When they weren’t stealing your glasses right off your face, that is
“WOW YOU ARE BLIND.” That’s sort of rude to blind people. I am merely a bit short-sighted, but okay…
6. Your first pair probably looked like this
7. And they opened up a whole new world to you
Look at all this detail! All this colour! So crisp, so clear.
8. Yet still, you forgot them ALL THE TIME
Squinting at the blackboard like:
9. Or sat on them
Sure, you got a case with them… But god knows where that went.
10. You imagined that if you took them off everyone would realise you were actually gorgeous
Like in She’s All That!
11. But you just had to deal with them until your parents let you get contacts
12. You see people wearing glasses for fashion now and think “PFFT. Interlopers”
You did the time with glasses. You deserve the fashion cred.