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#GrowingUpCatholic hilariously summed up everything about having to go to mass

WHAT were you going to say in confession?

St. Colman's Cathedral is a Roman Catholic Cathedral located in Cobh, Ireland Source: infomatique

RECENTLY, TWITTER GOT together to share their experiences of what it’s like growing up Irish, and over the weekend they moved on to hilariously document what it was like growing up Catholic.

As usual, they absolutely nailed it:

Like how nobody had a breeze what was going on in mass, ever

Every young person saying this in the exact same tone

Diocese of Cork in Ireland Source: Pilgrim Fatima

Those primary school classes

Alive-O still living on

The absolute panic over what to say in confession

It was a very popular concern.

Day 74. Communion. Source: davidmulder61

This recognisable trend

A strategy employed by many

And finally, this much appreciated revenue stream

Getting that tenner like:

make-it-rain-gif-1 Source: Venturebeat

More The #GrowingUpIrish hashtag expertly captured everyone’s childhood>

More 12 confessions of a former altar server>

About the author:

David Elkin

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