THE #GrowingUpWithSiblings HASHTAG is trending in Ireland on Twitter today – and it has encapsulated everything about having brothers and sister when you were younger, both good and bad.
Like, the constant battle for remote control supremacy
When the siblings were there for you
They had you covered – unless they were in a particularly cruel mood.
There was always a fine line between loyalty and intense dislike though
Those few minutes when you know you’re the favourite were bliss
It was even better after you’d had an argument with them
Sweet, sweet noise to your ears.
Being the eldest comes with too much responsibility
How everyone thinks you look alike
How your Mam always predicted the worst
And how siblings always had to have what you were having
And ruined your chances because of it
You had your differences growing up but you wouldn’t change your siblings for the world now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.