OF COURSE, GUINNESS will be forever known for its stout – but now they have launched their own ale on to the thirsty Irish people to add to their growing collection of new beers.
Guinness Golden Ale is said to have “subtle biscuit flavours” that compliments the crisp bitterness, leaving a “clean finish.”
But what is it like in real life? Well, the name Golden Ale certainly matches the colour – as this brew from Guinness is a lot lighter than your standard ale:
To find out what it tasted like, DailyEdge.ie gathered an eager round table of taste testers together to put Golden Ale through its paces.
First impressions?
It’s a lot more fizzy than I thought it would be.
Hmm, yeah. I do enjoy it. It’s like the same good job that they did with Hop House [the lager Guinness released earlier this year], but in ale form.
I think it’s kind of like a pale ale mixed with a sparkling ale. It’s fine.
I find it kind of bland. But it’s OK.
After a few more tastes, most people had reached their conclusions:
With a lot of those craft ales, they are a bit too intense. This is a bit more palatable.
It’s the kind of drink I’d serve to my Mam because she doesn’t drink craft beer. It doesn’t have that pungent after taste that hits the back of your throat – it’s like a beginner craft beer.
The ale clocks in at a middleweight 4.5% alcohol content, so that’s seen as a bonus for one taster:
Well, you could definitely have a good few of them without feeling the effects, unlike other ales I’ve had.
Final conclusions?
Yeah, it’s a pretty drinkable ale. Would probably drink again if I wanted something a little lighter than, say, Smithwick’s.
I don’t really see why you would drink it over another beer. I’d probably just go with a good craft.
People are put off by dark ale, and given this has a bit of a lighter colour it might bring more people to it. I’d definitely have more.
The Golden Ale has actually been available in the UK since March of this year. A Guinness spokesperson told DailyEdge.ie that in Ireland they were focusing more on the Hop House 13 lager released earlier this year, and that’s why there has been a slight delay.
Golden Ale is actually the fourth new beer released by Guinness in the past year as part of their Brewers Project. Others released in the series include Dublin Porter, Guinness West Indies Porter and Hop House 13.
You’ll find Golden Ale in off licences in Ireland from this week on – but it might very well make its way into pubs in the future.
We’ll keep an eye on it.