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Here's how to make a Guinness and WKD Blue cocktail

It’s called an ‘Oil Slick’, and we tried it out.

RECENTLY WE DISCOVERED that people were making cocktails from Guinness and WKD Blue.

So we decided to put them to the test ourselves.

The drink is called an Oil Slick, or an Irish Turbo, or a Floating Guinness. But we like Oil Slick the best, so we’re sticking with that.

1. This is what you’ll need

Guinness, WKD, a pint glass and a spoon. We are but simple folk. Tom Cruise in Cocktail, this ain’t.

2. Firstly, pour the WKD in to make the ‘sea’

You want the glass about half full.

3. Then slowly pour the Guinness over the top, across the back of a dessert spoon


You need the spoon to stop the two drinks mixing and turning into a disgusting blue-brown slop. Trust us on this one.

If you do it right, it should pool across the top of the WKD. “Like a f***ed up Tequila Sunrise,” as one intrepid tester put it.

4. You’re all done!

The Guinness is now floating on top of the WKD, like, well, an oil slick. On a crazy tropical blue ocean. Where all the fish are definitely dead.

If you’re feeling extremely bold and/or overly sober, you can also add a shot of blue Aftershock here. We didn’t, because it was the afternoon and we were at work.

(We’ve got a feeling that the Aftershock is what turns it into an Irish Turbo, if yannowhatimean.)

5. Drink!

We assembled a panel of experts to try the Oil Slick. (You can watch the dramatic tasting process on our Snapchat.)

Eight people in total gave their informed opinion. Responses varied from “horror”, through “actually very drinkable” to “REALLY, REALLY NICE”. Several people suggested that they’d expected it to be much worse.

But pretty much everyone agreed that it kinda tasted like Petit Filous.

The final results were: five liked it, three didn’t like it.

The people have spoken and the Oil Slick is officially a winner. Go forth, and drink it this Friday night.

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More: Guinness mixed with WKD Blue is a thing>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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