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So, what is the deal with Guinness Blonde American Lager?

It’s billed as “a blonde with a dark past”.

OVER THE LAST few months, Guinness have introduced a new product to the US market called Guinness Blonde American Lager. (Or just plain old Guinness Blonde, if you’re in a hurry.)

Here’s what it looks like.

Guinness-Blonde-Ale Source: The Beer Connoisseur

It has been available on the US market for a short while now and rather cleverly bills itself as a “blonde with a dark past”.


But what’s the deal? Is it Irish?

Not quite.

Brewed in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, it is made with “American hops and Guinness’ world famous 125-year-old Guinness yeast”.

As this guy so eloquently puts it, it’s “about as Irish as a falafel”.

It’s the first product in the Guinness Discovery Series, a line of “fusion brew” beers to be released in the United States.

The move has confused many with some viewing it as slightly sacrilegious.

What do people make of the product? Do gentlemen really prefer blondes?

Paste Magazine wrote that “hardcore beer geeks and fans of the more flavorful Guinness Stout might find this too tame for their palates.”

The Concourse, meanwhile, accused Guinness of pandering to American drinkers and said the new drink “smells like wet cardboard”. (Ouch.)

Casual drinkers seem far more forgiving in their assessments, though.

For now, there are no plans for the product to be sold on the European market, so those with curious tastebuds will just have to go to the ‘Murica to try some.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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