THERE’S OBVIOUSLY NOTHING as quintessentially Dublin as a pint of Guinness.
And the Hairy Lemon pub on Stephen Street Lower in the city centre has put together a fitting tribute to it:
They’ve recreated it in dessert form
Specifically, a Guinness chocolate mousse.
As per the menu, the ingredients sound as good as they look:
Guinness infused chocolate mousse set on a biscuit base with a fresh creamy topping served with seasonal fruits
So, that’s the famous creamy head taken care of… with actual cream
So aesthetically it has all the pleasing look of a Guinness with the bonus of it being a dessert
And the reviews on TripAdvisor give it an unconditional two thumbs up:
But the “piece de resistance” was the dessert ” Pint of Guinness ” which is a Guinness infused chocolate mousse set on a crumbled biscuit base topped with cream and a strawberry. EXCEPTIONAL!