Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

A guy complained to a supermarket about 'uneven' bread and got the best response

Excellent work, Morrisons.

ON TUESDAY, MORRISONS customer David Walker bought a sliced pan and was horrified to discover that each slice of bread was cut unevenly.

Look at this.

1470370_1418227115170553_3904371880403235183_n Source: Morrisons/Facebook


Walker complained to Morrison and described his “monumental” outrage at not being able to “make a sandwich fit for a gentleman”.

dw Source: Morrisons/Facebook

He recounted in heartbreaking detail the moment his wife realised the slices weren’t even.

dw2 Source: Morrisons/Facebook

Lyk if you cried </3

Morrison’s sympathised with Walker’s plight and pointed out that it would make a rather good doorstop.


Which Walker wasn’t impressed with.


Until Morrisons made good and sent Walker two new loaves of bread to make up for it.


See, everybody?

It pays to complain.

Tesco and Lidl threw some mortifying shade at each other on Twitter >

Which Irish Supermarket Are You?

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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