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Girl gets free ice cream for a year... after greedy boyfriend denies her

He never learned to share.

GEORGIA ARNETT HAS just won a year’s supply of free ice cream, because her boyfriend was mean to her.

She was at an Indiana basketball game with her fella Jake Moran earlier this month, when he was caught on camera in this heinous act of cruelty:

Unfortunately for him, the clip of his heartless mint-choc-chip mistreatment went viral.

So much so that basketball pundit Chris Webber narrated it play-by-play, with graphic aids:


But a white knight was to come to Georgia’s aid. Ice cream company Blue Bell stepped forward and did the right thing – offering her a year’s supply of free ice cream, according to the New York Daily News.

And THAT, my friends, is why you should always give your girlfriend ice cream when she asks.


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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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