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The Dredge: Gwyneth Paltrow has some sex advice

Yep. All the very best of the day’s celebrity dirt…

Gwyneth, probably giving advice
Gwyneth, probably giving advice
Image: Darla Khazei/AP/Press Association Images

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.

#MRS PALBLOW: Gwyneth Paltrow has some important relationship advice for all you ladies. And remember that this is coming from a woman who hates the way British people say “pasta”.

When Gwynnie has an argument with her husband Chris Martin, she has a special way of resolving it. With oral sex. Talk show host Chelsea Handler said:

One of her friends is like, ‘I got in a big fight with my husband and I went home and I just wanted to scream and yell,’ and [Paltrow said], ‘Whatever you’re feeling, do the opposite. Go at him with love and you give him a blowjob.’

Chelsea told Gwyneth she was revealing this because “people need to know that you’re like that.” (ONTD)

#QUEEN BEE: Beyoncé’s world tour hit the UK last night, and she was totally left hanging by a member of the royal family.

So Princess Eugenie (remember her?) was there. And during Irreplaceable, where she got to the “to the left, to the left” bit, Bee picked Eugenie for a singalong. And EUGENIE WASN’T UP FOR IT.

“When Eugenie, who had gone bright-red, ducked down, Beyonce was forced to quickly fill in the missing words,” a friend told the Mirror.

Eugenie, this is worse than that time you wore a boat on your head.

YouTube/Kirsty Griffin

#KP NUTS: Katie Price has a sense of humour, it turns out. She tweeted last night:

Obviously everyone assumed she was talking about her most recent husband, part-time stripper Kieran Hayler.

But no!


See what she did there? LOL, etc.

#WEE JIMMY: It was James Franco’s birthday earlier this month, but he’s still celebrating. Do you want to see his birthday cake?

Brace yourself. He tweeted this with the caption “Miami bday”:

If you don’t know what all those things are, we can’t tell you. (James Franco/WhoSay)


And the rest of the day’s dirt…


Yesterday’s Dredge: Why women are a pain in the hole, according to Drew Barrymore>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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