SERIOUSLY, WHO WAS it that said romance was dead?
Because they are so, so wrong.
Last night in Phibsboro’s well-known haunt McGowan’s, an unrequited love story played out the likes of which Ireland has never seen.
Taking to their Facebook page this morning, the pub shared a handwritten note that was found on the floor after last night’s shenanigans:
“Cleaners found this earlier. I wonder did he/she go home with them? I’d be tempted for the grub alone”
Never before has such a poetic chat up line been found in print.
The note reads:
if you come home with me i’ll promise you won’t regret it, I have Netflix and pizzas in the freezer and my ma will probably make us breakfast in the morning
What a proposal.
It was followed by a name and number, helpfully blocked out by McGowan’s. has contacted the pub to try to get to the bottom of what really went on here. Quite clearly someone, perhaps overcome by a bout of shyness, decided the best way to get their romantic intentions (pizza, Netflix, mam-made fry) across was with a jokey handwritten note – hastily scrawled somewhere in the bar last night, no doubt.
Within a couple of hours, the photo has received over 1000 likes on their Facebook page. Crucially though, the fact that it remained in the bar meant that whoever it was intended for either lost it last night… or dropped it intentionally.
It seems we’ll never know how this Shakespearean romance played out.