1. When this was the considered choice of street entertainment by one performer
2. When this, eh, cow was spotted stuck up a tree
And when there was a little pig friend below:
3. When a random toilet turned up on a roundabout in Douglas
And got its own Twitter account.
4. When this guy got stuck in a baby’s high chair in McDonald’s and the Gardaí had to be called
5. When everyone was confused by this levitating auld lad
6. That time the most bizarre weapon of choice was found and used
7. That time Ellie Goulding visited and a local Garda handcuffed her and nobody knew why
8. That time this guy was seen driving along in a totally fit-for-the-road vehicle
9. When this cyclist was spotted balancing a chair on the back of his bike
10. That time the most WTF political graffiti was seen in the city centre
11. When this happened last year
12. When the most surreal hurling-themed graffiti couldn’t be explained
13. And if there was ever a spelling mistake that made you question what was real, it was this
14. And finally… only in Cork would you see this sight
The socks and the runners on as well.
Where else would you get it?