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Dublin: 14 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

18 of the hardest things about being Irish

What’s that smell?

1. When your Hailo’s been four minutes away for seven minutes


2. Being constantly tested by Disney

wheresmymickey Source: Google Play

mic Source: ChrisCruises

cr Source: @alan_maguire

3. When you’re filling out a form online and the form can’t cope with the apostrophe in your surname

o Source: imgur


4. When you’re trying to order something online and it insists on a postcode and you can’t find that little card they sent you with your postcode on it


5. Starbucks

It is a good day to be Irish Source: irishstarbucksnames

Just when you think Sinead can't get any worse! Source: irishstarbucksnames

6. This carry on

7. The NCT

More stressful than the Leaving. That little window. The horrific shaking machine. Nightmare.


8. Reversing around corners

9. Trying to keep up with what they’re calling The Point Depot these days

3Arena - 24 September 2014 Source: John Oram

10. Irish water jokes

Please. Our sides.

ireland Source:

11. Ongoing football heartache

Please Bosnia and Herzegovina, please go easy on us. We need this.


12. Suspicions aroused by not drinking

“No, I really am on antibiotics”.

Augmentin Source: Iqbal Osman1

13. The bang of manure

JUST as you hang the clothes out and all.

Mucking_0703 Source: Kit Logan

14. People who don’t understand how roundabouts and indicators go hand in hand


15. Ongoing battles with the RTÉ Player

16. UTV Ireland

ITV gets Downton Abbey. UTV Ireland gets Canal Boats of Yorkshire.


17. The smell of Dublin

dublin Source:

18. Bank Holiday Monday night


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The Undisputed Top 8 Donuts in Dublin City

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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