Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 22 February, 2025

Ian McKellen and Harry Styles cuddling on Graham Norton was beautiful telly

We ship them. Hard.

LAST NIGHT ONE Direction and Ian McKellen were Graham Norton’s guests on the red couch.

The Four Other Ones (sorry Niall et al) paled into insignificance when it came to Harry Styles and McKellen’s mutual appreciation of each other.

Alice puts it best:

First of all, McKellen arrived onto the set wearing a One Direction tshirt.


Yes, Ian. YES.

Then McKellen described how he went to see One Direction in concert while filming in New Zealand:

Very enjoyable, thank you.

He lamented that the boys hadn’t shown up to visit the set the next day, suggesting a couple of reasons for their absence…


Again, Ian. YES.

Next came some wonderful mutual admiration between McKellen and Harry Styles (who’s the best one, let’s be honest here).

Let’s enjoy it through a variety of mediums:


Source: BBC America/YouTube

McKellen also had some love for Niall Horan, lamenting the fact that they’d been “kept apart”.

hearts Source: BBC

But enough about them, back to Ian and Harry…


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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