SO WE ALL know how tough it can be having a complicated Irish name. But what if you have a bit of a common name… like Sarah, Stephen, Conor, James, Emily…
1. You can never get your name as a work or college email
Nope, it has to be something like ann.v.carroll@work.ie. Damn you, Ann Carroll the first!
2. You were known as Name B in the school roll
The first Ann or Ben rarely had to put up with this kind of crap, just because their second name was ahead of yours. So they’re Ben, you’re Ben B.
3. You can’t get a good online profile
Log into any social network after a day of it being open at BYE BYE NAME USERNAME.
4. If a story had your name in school, you were all anyone could talk about
5. You probably have to deal with a crap nickname
First name Andy, but have ten Andy’s in the gang? Chances are, you’ll be referred to as some bastardisation of your second name. Isn’t that right, Andy Fitzgerald, aka Fitzy?
6. Your exam results have been mixed up
… due to having three of the same names in one year.
7. Giving your name for loyalty cards or the doctor’s office is a constant pain
Prepare to sit through a list of addresses before they get to yours.
8. On the upside, you can find your name on keyrings…
But yours will probably be all sold out.