A German man received an apology from Heinz after he discovered that the QR code on its ketchup bottles led to a hardcore porn site.
The promotional QR code was supposed to lead to a promotional website where ketchup aficionados could design their own ketchup bottle label.
However, ownership of the website lapsed when the promotion concluded and it was subsequently acquired by Fundorado, a hardcore porn site.
Daniel Korell, the man who pointed out the gaffe to Heinz, wrote on the company’s Facebook page that the ketchup bottle probably wasn’t suitable for minors.
Heinz apologised to Korell and explained that his bottle was probably well auld, hence why the QR code doesn’t lead to the correct website. They offered him a bottle of ketchup as compensation.
And, not to be outdone, Fundorado also offered Korell a free subscription to its site.
Er, we think we’ll pass.