WE’VE HAD SOME people clamouring for a good old nostalgia boost from the likes of Faherty the Dog, and the McSpuds from Savers Supermarket in the wake of this collection of Bosco memories.
Who are we to deny such requests? Here you go:
Faherty and co:
Was the use of instrumental strings in the Faherty ‘sketches’ intended to induce fear and terror into the hearts and minds of Irish children? Because it worked. And the way Faherty floated around? Shudder.
The McSpuds at Savers Supermarket
Was it everyone’s childhood dream to be locked overnight in a supermarket just like the McSpuds? We thought so.
The Plonksters
What a resourceful bunch The Plonksters were. And yet terribly, terribly sad.
Freddy Fox
Another terrifying bunch of misfits. Looks a bit like taxidermy gone wrong. The crow with his shifty eyes is particularly unsettling.