Not that we ever do this ourselves, you understand. (Facebook)
EVER SNOOP OTHER people’s Facebook likes? Ever feel like maybe they tell you something about a person?
Well, you’re not wrong. Researchers in the US analysed the Facebook profiles of 58,000 volunteers and matched their likes against their personal traits.
They found that you could tell the difference between gay and straight men in 95 per cent of cases based on their Facebook likes; black people and white people in 88 per cent; and US political allegiance in 85 per cent.
So what do your likes say about you? You can see the full document here – but we’ve got a sample for you:
People with lots of friends tend to like:
The Dollar You Are Holding Could’ve Been In A Stripper’s Butt Crack
People with few friends tend to like:
Walking With Your Friend & Randomly Pushing Them Into Someone/Something
People with a high IQ tend to like:
Curly Fries
People with a low IQ tend to like:
Men tend to like:
Bruce Lee
Women tend to like:
People who drink tend to like:
Tattoo Lovers
People who don’t drink tend to like:
I Like Watching Raindrops Race Across My Window And Silently Cheer For Them
Gay men tend to like:
Ellen DeGeneres
Straight men tend to like:
Being Confused After Waking Up From Naps