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People are losing it over this student's gas homework misunderstanding

Let’s investigate.

IT’S COMING UP to the end of the secondary school year, so exams and assignments are being prepped for all over the place.

But they don’t usually feature potential comedy on this scale.

New York secondary school student John Doyle tweeted out this assignment mix up on Thursday – and everyone is losing it

Project on euthanasia? Hand up an assignment on youth in Asia.

Could this be real?

Even more intriguing again, is that John Doyle’s listed place of birth on his Twitter and Facebook is Belmullet, Co MayoDailyEdge.ie has reached out to him to see whether he does indeed hail from the green and red county and whether this is all a rather brilliant practical joke.

Either way, it’s now gone ridiculously viral this weekend.

It’s been retweeted over 82,000 times since John posted it, and big Twitter accounts have shared the images as well

People can’t get enough

hilarious Source: Twitter

It’s an easy mistake to make, in fairness

hilarious2 Source: Twitter

When he posted it first – before the viral explosion – his friends asked if he was joking. Apparently not

underneath Source: Twitter

This is going down in the annals of gas internet fails if true

hilarious3 Source: Twitter

We await John’s response with baited breath. So many questions.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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