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13 of the funniest reactions to Hillary Clinton's presidential bid

The rainbow pantsuits!

WELL, IT’S OFFICIAL – Hillary Clinton is running for US president.

After what seemed like years of speculation, Clinton announced her candidacy yesterday on Twitter with a viral video (very modern).

hillaryclinton Source: YouTube

While there was much serious talk about the campaign, no one could resist the opportunity to make some wisecracks. Obviously.

The rainbow pantsuits got an outing again

As did the infamous texting meme

TV presenter Rylan Clark had this gem

It’s a nod to the time he infamously called her ‘Hill’ and ‘babe’ on live TV:

Rylan. We love you.

Of course, The Onion had the perfect headline

The fact that the announcement coincided with the Game of Thrones premiere did not go unnoticed

There were shout outs to the other famous Hilarys of the world

Hilary Duff:

And Hilary Banks (of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air):

But there were some qualms about the logo

Still, some people were still hoping for the announcement to end all other announcements

Some day. Some day.

More: Yes, Hillary Clinton is running for US president>

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