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Last night's Hillary Clinton speech in 15 glorious tweets

So many moments.

DEM 2016 Convention Source: Mark J. Terrill

LAST NIGHT, HILLARY Clinton officially accepted her nomination to be the Democratic Presidential candidate to face Donald Trump in November – becoming the first woman to lead a major party into a US election.

And it was some speech.

1. There were people watching history be made

2. This line from Hillary was inspired

hilsert1 Source: Twitter

3. And her face when the pyrotechnics went off

hilsert2 Source: Twitter

4. And when they came out to a sea of balloons… look at Bill’s face

hilsert3 Source: Rachel Zarrell Twitter

5. But he just couldn’t get her attention – she was a bit busy

6. It got people searching for merch and they found some quality badges

7. The whole speech was just inspired, really

8. There were moments of comedy

hilsert4 Source: Twitter

9. And moments of pure realisation of what this means

10. And the aftermath was messy

If you can’t see the video, click here

11. Twitter was overcome with so many feelings

12. There were all sorts of quotable lines from the speech itself

13. While others were wondering would Trump respond

14. It was a special night

15. And one that will live long in the memory

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About the author:

David Elkin

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