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Hillary Clinton joined Twitter and this is how people reacted

From bragging about texting to hoping to be blocked. The whole gamut really.

HILLARY CLINTON is the latest high-profile political figure to join Twitter.

Since tweeting for the first time yesterday Hillary has clocked up over 300,000 followers and plenty of people seem very excited about the news.

There was excitement over her undeniably excellent Twitter bio:

And general joy over Hillary’s real cultural legacy:

Of course the best thing about Hillary’s first (and so far only) tweet is how it namechecks the infamous Texts from Hilary Tumblr

This wasn’t lost on either of the pair with Stacey Lambe keeping his cool:

While Adam Smith seemed somewhat excited:

Perhaps a bit too excited:


Some people pointed out who Hillary was opting to follow:

While Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard was trying to check up on Hillary’s Australian fashion choices:

For some people this is just a chance to be a proper troublemaker:

Or just bone up on how to be a true Twitter badass:

Then there is Ellen DeGeneres who clearly just wanted to brag about having Hillary’s phone number.

Show off.

Still, we’ve only had one tweet from Hillary so far so we’re glad that this Tweeter managed to dream up a possible follow up:

Pic: Hillary Clinton and Meryl Streep are BFFs>

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