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Hillary Clinton signed a permission slip excusing a boy from school, because she can

Will she help us pull a sickie? Just wondering.

DEM 2016 Clinton Source: Steven Senne/PA Wire

THERE ARE EXCUSES for missing school, and then there are excuses for missing school.

Nine-year-old Ollie Olsen from New Hampshire skipped his classes on Monday to go to to a Hillary Clinton event with his mother.

He prepared a permission slip bearing his excuse…

Dear Mrs Simons, I’m missing school today because I’m going to meet Hillary.

…And finished off the note with a a space for Clinton to sign it. He slipped it into a pile of things for Clinton to sign, and naturally, she obliged:

The note was hand-delivered to the school by Clinton’s campaign team the next day – and according to WMUR, Clinton has asked to meet Olsen in person the next time she passed through the area.

Will you be willing to take the blame when mischievous students all over the US try to use the same excuse, Hills? Will you?

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