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Hillary Clinton just delivered some powerful and emotional words to young women in her concession speech

“I know we haven’t shattered this glass ceiling but someday someone will…”

2016 Election Clinton Source: AP/Press Association Images

HILLARY CLINTON HAS spoken directly to young women in her first speech as the loser of the 2016 presidential election.

She wished Trump well, thanked her staff and her family, and beseeched the American public to be “stronger together and go forward together”.

Clinton also addressed the many women in the crowd and who have supported her throughout the campaign, telling them “nothing has made me prouder to be your champion”.

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She also spoke to “all the little girls watching”:

You are valuable, powerful, deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue your dreams.

Clinton also alluded to the ‘secret” Facebook group Pantsuit Nation, a private group which amassed millions of followers who wanted to show their support for Clinton. She sent the group a personal message to thank them for their support.

The group saw the mainly female members post pictures of themselves wearing tributes to Clinton’s trademark ‘pantsuit’ look, and heading to the polls to vote.

Outgoing president Barack Obama followed up Clinton’s remarks, saying they sent “a message to daughters across the country that they can achieve at the highest level of politics”.

Their words come as stats show that so-called millennial – young people born since 1982 – largely supported Clinton across the United States.

Read: ‘This is painful and it will be for a long time’: Hillary Clinton speaks for the first time after defeat> 

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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