STOP THE WORLD, we want to get off for good this time.
Freeble is a new gadget looking to set alight to Kickstarter by offering lonely souls the opportunity to hold hands over the wireless waves.
Just think about it. You move to Australia and leave your loved ones behind. How will they cope without the squeeze of your hand? They won’t. You need this.
In their own words:
Sometimes a reassuring squeeze of the hand can be the best feeling in the world, and with Frebble your loved ones can feel that tactile support, no matter where in the world you all are.
Basically, it’s a device designed to perfectly accommodate your hand and ‘simulate the touch of holding and squeezing another person’s hand, and having that feeling reciprocated’.
Frebble creators say the device is best teamed with a call–otherwise it might be WEIRD or something.
When combined with a video chat service such as Skype or Google Hangouts, the experience is truly amazing.
Creator Frederic Petrignani came up with the idea when studying for his MBA in Rotterdam. The topic came up with friends talking about how they miss hugging or holding hands with family at home.
Right, we know, you’re gagging for one. Well, the Kickstarter has already surpassed its €10,000 goal so it’s happening.
There’s only 35 early bird Frebbles left, which will get you two of the devices for just €69. We’re sure that cost is a coincidence.