IN A RECENT interview with Red Magazine, Holly Willoughby explained that the ageing process has resulted in a new-found sense of self-acceptance.
In an interview which devoted time to the presenter’s personal aesthetic, Holly said she is ‘happier with her face’ now, explaining that she rarely left the house in her younger years without applying cosmetics.
“I feel like now I’m getting older, I’m much happier with my face as it is now than when I was younger,” she explained.
Suggesting she is no longer ‘afraid’ of what she sees in the mirror, she elaborates:
There was a time where I wouldn’t go out of the house without at least putting mascara on. Now I literally don’t care. I’m not afraid of how I look in the mirror.
Can you relate to Holly’s experience or has the ageing process had the opposite effect on your confidence levels?
In my twenties, I would rarely leave the house without make up on, and if I did I would spend an inordinate amount of time berating for myself for not devoting a moment or two to the task.
Now in my thirties, I regularly eschew make-up for a longer lie-in, and more importantly, rarely devote time to internally questioning other people’s perception of this decision.
But what about you? How do you feel about going makeup-free on a typical day?