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11 unmistakeable signs it's Holy Thursday

Happy Off-Licence Thursday.

1. People are doing a lot of eye rolling about the panic to get to the off licence

talk1 Source: Shutterstock.com

2. Those same people are planning a panicked trip to the off licence themselves

*cough HYPOCRITES cough*

talk2 Source: Shutterstock.com

Will two bottles of wine be enough? Best to buy seven just to be on the safe side. Alright then, ten. A nice round number.

3. There are people in the supermarket panic buying Easter Eggs and milk

They appear to be under the impression that everything will be closed until Sunday. Everything.

funny-gifs-shopping-like-a-boss Source: Thejournal

4. You’re sending lying texts to your mother about the fish you’ve bought yourself for tomorrow’s dinner

Be honest. You’ve bought some Superquinn sausages and a steak.

saus Source: Christina Finn

5. While others are asking “Donegal Catch counts, right?”


6. People are saying “is this the night he had the big dinner… or is that tomorrow?”

All those childhood hours spent in religion class/mass have come to this.

A quick recap:

  • He had the big dinner on Thursday
  • He was crucified on Friday
  • Not much happened on the Saturday
  • On Sunday he rose again, and then we got Easter Eggs

So, my brother recreated the last supper on his Etch-a-Sketch - Imgur Source: Imgur

At least you still remember all the words to Zaccheus though, right?

7. People are making plans to go ‘down home’

Are you going on Friday or Saturday?
Will you get the train?
Have you eggs for everyone?
Are you going out or are you going ‘out out’ on Saturday?

8. There’s feverish interest in the weather

Is it supposed to last? Is that feckin’ rain threatening to make an appearance. With any luck we won’t know ourselves with the sun.


9. People are saying “and sure we’ve Monday off as well” with great relish

If you think about it, Easter is even better than Christmas. It always falls on the weekend, and you get four days off in a row (if you’re lucky). It’s the longest of long weekends.

Ron Swanson dancing. - Imgur Source: Imgur

However, some of you are already dreading the Monday night fear. It’s to be expected.


10. Your friend knows somewhere you can get booze after ten o’clock tonight

And your other friend knows someone who can get you into a residents’ bar tomorrow if needs be.

11. Somewhere, two people are having an argument about whether The Life of Brian or The Holy Grail is better

Two of our greatest religious cultural artefacts.

Something to remember on Good Friday - Imgur Source: Imgur

Read: 8 undeniable downsides to still living at home with your parents>

ARGH! 13 things that are giving you the worst Sunday night fear EVER>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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