LAST WEEK’S MARRIAGE referendum captured the hearts and minds of people all around the globe, thanks in part to social media.
The #HomeToVote feed became one of the defining moments, with hundreds of Irish emigrants returning from far-flung places to vote.
The hashtag was mentioned over 72,000 times over the course of 24 hours, and was talked about the world over:
Now Twitter is commemorating the hashtag by painting it on a wall at its San Francisco HQ. Ooh!
It appears that the company uses this particular wall to honour hashtags that have gripped the world – for example, back in August 2014, #Ferguson was painted on the wall, and in October Emma Watson’s #HeForShe took its place:
And who could forget the terrifying painting of Ellen DeGeneres’ infamous Oscars selfie that also hangs in HQ?
We made it, kids! Now, how to get a giant painting of Panti in there?