THE WORLD OF celebrities is a tricky one to read. All the hype, the publicity, the media attention – sometimes it’s hard to know what’s really going on.
Which makes it all the more refreshing when celebrities speak out. Tell us what you REALLY think:
“She’s such a nightmare. Sorry, her career is over. Her tour has been a disaster and it couldn’t happen to a bigger c***.”
“Farting is farting. Everybody farts.”
“A friend of mine Swarovski-crystalled my precious lady. It shined like a disco ball so I have a whole chapter in there on how women should vagazzle their vajayjays.”
“I’m a miserable c***.”
“I don’t need a stunt a**. I would regret it for the rest of my life.”
- Matthew McConaughey on declining a body double for stripper movie Magic Mike
“How can you turn an entire house into a sex dungeon?”
“I’m not well-endowed”.
“I want to be taking myself seriously as an actress.”
“The French are f****** insane”
- Rihanna
“I hate khaki cargo shorts”
- Kanye West
“I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting on my hoo-ha! Apparently I have a lot of amniotic fluid, so whenever my water breaks it will be like a fire hydrant!”
- Jessica Simpson on pregnancy
“I can always go to his next one.”
- Louis Walsh on not attending Brian McFadden’s wedding
All images: Press Association